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Happy Family
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They are led in worship and taught the Word on Wednesday nights at 7pm in the Family Life Center. With a growing group, they seek after the Lord and the call of God on their lives.


We have a team of qualified adults to teach our children's program and have done an amazing job teaching and equipping our children for what God has for them in their future. They meet Sunday mornings, following worship, in the Family Life Center. They spend time in the Word reading stories that show the love, faithfulness, and guidance of God in their lives. 

Royal Rangers logo

Royal Rangers

The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12. Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.


The goals of Missionettes are to win girls to Jesus Christ through love and acceptance, to train girls in biblical principles of discipleship, to assist girls in developing spiritually and mentally, to provide encouragement, support, and accountability through Christian relationships, and to provide an environment for girls to develop their gifts and talents.

College Students

Young Adults

Young adults is a broad term, but our ministry aims to be inclusive of young adults from a variety of experiences and backgrounds. We focus on serving every age group, including the post-college-early-career person, the young professionals and young married couples.  We meet once a quarter and are lead by Pastor Jason and April.


Reaching the senior years often means stepping away from the pressures and stress of hectic schedules, but God did not design us to stop going or personally growing. Adults should continue to serve and learn throughout their lifetimes. Our senior adults have discovered the blessing of investing their energy and availability in serving God and caring for one another.

Happy Senior Couple

Choir Ministry

Music is an important part of experiencing God in worship, and we found all can volunteer in this through our choir ministry. We are always looking for more who have the gift on signing!

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Unlimited Ministries

We have set up a special room that is equipped to stimulate and minister to those with special needs. They meet following worship on Sunday mornings and use those unique tools to share and teach the gospel to those who may learn different than others. It has become a blessed ministry to reach out over multiple counties throughout Georgia and show that ANYONE can come to church and be welcomed no matter what disability is.

Ministering to those with special needs
Grocery Shopping

Food Pantry

Our mission is to provide resources in order that families can become whole, independent and ultimately able to return to serve others. 

We have Food Pantry every 3rd Friday of the month @ 11am until 2pm.

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Tel: 770-567-1594


4990 Highway 19 S

Zebulon, Georgia

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© 2023 by Pike County Assembly of God


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